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VI. MiraTone
Festival and Academy

Founder and Artistic Director: Violinist Miranda Liu

Dates: August 26th – September 1st, 2024

Location: Budapest, Hungary

(with online options available)



Welcome to the vibrant world of the VI. MiraTone Festival and Academy 2024 formerly known as the

New Millennium

International Chamber Music Festival and Academy!

Led by the dynamic violinist Miranda Liu, MiraTone promises an exhilarating blend of music, culture, and community.

Established in 2019, MiraTone has blossomed into a global hub for musicians. 

Founded by the renowned violinist Miranda Liu, Hungary’s youngest concertmaster, it is nestled in the heart of Europe. 

The festival boasts a lineup of star artists from across the globe, representing a kaleidoscope of cultures and backgrounds.  With over 80 students hailing from 25+ countries over the last five years, MiraTone is more than just a festival—it's a melting pot of talent and creativity. We foster artistic growth and forge connections across borders, paving the way for future collaborations.

At MiraTone, our utmost focus is on ensuring that every participant's experience is not just enriching, but truly rewarding. We tirelessly seek external support and sponsors to cover the costs of our educational programs, enabling us to offer courses at prices as accessible as possible. This commitment ensures that the highest quality music education is within reach for aspiring talents from all walks of life, while maintaining the excellence of our master classes.

Upon arrival, each participant becomes an integral part of our vibrant community.

Our goal is to create a safe and nurturing environment where artists can freely express themselves. Dive into intense creative instrumental work with our esteemed professors, sharpen your skills in workshops tailored for string and wind players preparing for orchestral auditions, and seize the stage at the 'MiraTone Young Artist Series' held throughout Budapest. Plus, don't miss out on invaluable networking opportunities with fellow participants and teachers alike. At MiraTone, your journey isn't just about music—it's about fostering connections and growth.

Join us in Budapest, a city steeped in history and brimming with culture.

From its vibrant arts scene to its eclectic culinary offerings, Budapest has something for everyone. And with affordable accommodations scattered throughout the city, your stay is sure to be unforgettable.

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Academy Courses

The VI. MiraTone Festival and Academy 2024 welcomes violinists, violists, cellists, flutists, clarinetists, pianists, and chamber music ensembles without age limit, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, ethnicity, and disability. 

Dive into a world of music, friendship, and discovery at MiraTone.

Course Packages

All course fees are reduced thanks to the generosity of our sponsors this year. We are a non-profit organization that works tirelessly to make music accessible to everyone.

MiraTone Standard

Fee: €150,-

(€40,- due with the application,

€110,- due upon acceptance)

  • Three individual 45-minute master classes (for string and wind players, one includes piano accompaniment)

  • Opportunity to perform at the “MiraTone Young Artist Series”

  • Participation in the “Orchestral Audition Preparation” workshop

  • VIP entry to 5 of the 9 festival concerts

  • Certificate of participation

Note: If a given instrument has more than one professor, participants may receive master classes from multiple mentors.

MiraTone PRO

Fee: €190,-

(€40,- due with the application,

€150,- due upon acceptance)

  • Four individual 45-minute master classes (for string and wind players, one includes piano accompaniment)

  • Opportunity to perform at the “MiraTone Young Artist Series”

  • Participation in the “Orchestral Audition Preparation” workshop

  • VIP entry to 7 of the 9 festival concerts

  • Certificate of participation

​Note: If a given instrument has more than one professor, participants may receive master classes from multiple mentors.

MiraTone Deluxe

Fee: €225,-

(€40,- due with the application,

€185,- due upon acceptance)

  • Five individual 45-minute master classes (for string and wind players, one includes piano accompaniment)

  • Assignment of a chamber music group with other participants to perform a movement of a chamber music piece in a 60-minute chamber music class with one of our faculty members.

  • Opportunity to perform at the “MiraTone Young Artist Series”, both as a soloist and with the assigned chamber music group.

  • Participation in the “Orchestral Audition Preparation” workshop

  • VIP entry to all 9 of the festival’s concerts

  • Certificate of participation

​Note: If a given instrument has more than one professor, participants may receive master classes from multiple mentors.

Fee: €125,-

(€40,- due with the application,

€85,- due upon acceptance)

MiraTone Online

  • Three individual 45-minute online master classes

  • Certificate of participation

Dates and times to be arranged for August and September 2024.

Note: If a given instrument has more than one professor, participants may receive master classes from multiple mentors.

Application Information and Deadlines

  • Early bird applications closed on June 30, 2024

  • Applications closed August 10, 2024

To apply for the MiraTone Academy, applicants need to provide details about their repertoire, submit a CV outlining their professional experiences, and include a link to a short performance recording. The application period may close early if capacity is reached, so early submission is recommended. Participants will be notified within three weeks about their acceptance. Participation is contingent upon paying the course fee in two installments: a €40 registration fee with the application, and the remaining fee upon successful admission.

*NOTE: Please note that MiraTone Academy does not provide accommodation. Every participant of the Academy courses will need to take care of their housing themselves.

Questions?  Contact us at


Fellowship Program

of the MiraTone Festival and Academy

An initiative founded by Miranda Liu in 2024

with the generous support of the International Visegrad Fund

Introducing MiraTone’s Hungarian-Polish Fellowship Program, established in 2024, ushering in a new era of musical collaboration between Hungary and Poland.  Designed for young talents aged 12-30, whether they hail from these nations or call them home, this program promises an enriching experience for violinists, violists, cellists, flutists, clarinetists, pianists, and chamber music groups.

Thanks to the generous support of the International Visegrad Fund, aspiring musicians can participate with full scholarships, requiring only a nominal €50 application fee alongside travel and accommodation expenses.


Embark on a transformative journey in Budapest, where participants will not only hone their craft but also form lifelong bonds. Through master classes, rehearsals, and collaborative performances, fellows will exchange insights, foster creativity, and build enduring connections. Each day will brim with diverse activities, ensuring a dynamic learning experience for all involved.  Participants must be present in Budapest for the whole duration of the program.

Fellows will receive three individual master classes, have the opportunity to perform multiple times as a soloist and/or in chamber groups or string orchestra, participate in workshops, and meet fellow musicians from around the world.

Application Information
for the Fellowship Program

Applicants need to provide details about their repertoire, submit a CV outlining their professional experiences, and include a link to a short performance recording.

Applications closed on 30 June 2024




With limited slots available, applications to the fellowship program are reviewed on a first-come-first-serve basis. When places in the fellowship program are filled, applicants will be considered for participation in MiraTone’s general Academy.


If a given instrument has more than one professor, participants may receive master classes from multiple mentors.

Also please note that MiraTone Academy does not provide accommodation. Every participant of the Academy courses will need to take care of their housing themselves.

The Application Form below is only for the use of applicants from Hungary and Poland. Applicants of all other nations please use the application form for the General Academy. Please scroll up for the General form or select "General Academy" from the drop down list under the "Academy" menu.

Questions?  Contact us at

The Hungarian-Polish Fellowship Program of the MiraTone Festival and Academy is organized by Miranda Liu and the V4 Music Foundation, in partnership with the The Polish Chamber Musicians' Association and supported by the International Visegrad Fund.


Meet our World-Class Artists 2024


Contact Us

Reach us via direct email:



the V4 Music Foundation:


Follow us, tag us, and use our hashtag #MiraTone!

  • Instagram
  • Facebook

Our Sponsors and Partners

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Megvalósult a Nemzeti Kulturális Alap támogatásával.

Support Us

Support the V4 Music Foundation


The MiraTone Festival and Academy is proudly supported by the V4 Music Foundation, a registered non-profit organization dedicated to advancing music education and providing performance opportunities for talented individuals worldwide.

Our mission is to offer inclusive and accessible programs for all ages, genders, and nationalities, enriching the global music community.


Ways to Get Involved

Your contributions directly support our educational programs and performances. Every donation, big or small, makes a significant impact.


Share your skills and passion with us! Whether you’re a marketing expert, legal advisor, or simply a music lover, your time and talents can help us thrive. Contact us to get started.


Sponsor a Musician:
Support emerging talent by sponsoring a scholarship for our music programs. Your investment helps overcome financial barriers and fosters the next generation of musicians.


Become a Concert Sponsor:
Help bring our concerts to life. Sponsorship opportunities include valuable media packages and visibility in our program books.


Have a unique idea for a project or partnership? We’re open to creative collaborations and would love to hear from you.


Join us in making a lasting impact through music. Reach out to or visit our website for more information.


Together, we can create a world where culture thrives.

Hungarian bank account information:



International bank account information:

IBAN: BE17 9676 4294 0921



Támogassa a V4 Zenei Alapítványt


A MiraTone Fesztivált és Akadémiát büszkén rendezi a V4 Zenei Alapítvány, egy bejegyzett nonprofit szervezet, amely a zeneoktatás fejlesztésére és fiatal zenészek fellépési lehetőségeinek biztosítására összpontosít világszerte.

Küldetésünk, hogy minden korosztály, nem és nemzet számára elérhető és befogadó programokat kínáljunk, ezzel gazdagítva a globális zenei közösséget.


Módok a részvételre:


Adományozás: Az Ön adományai közvetlenül támogatják oktatási programjainkat és előadásainkat. Minden egyes adomány, legyen az bármilyen összegű, jelentős hatással bír.


Önkéntesség: Kérjük, ossza meg velünk szakértelmét és szenvedélyét! Akár marketing szakértő, jogi tanácsadó, vagy egyszerűen zenerajongó, ideje és tehetsége hozzájárulhat szervezetünk sikeréhez. Kérjük, lépjen kapcsolatba velünk a részletekért.


Zenész szponzorálása: Támogassa a feltörekvő tehetségeket zenei programjaink ösztöndíjainak szponzorálásával. Befektetése segít a pénzügyi akadályok leküzdésében és elősegíti a következő zenészgeneráció fejlődését.


Koncert szponzorálása: Segítse elő koncertjeink megvalósítását. Szponzori lehetőségeink értékes médiacsomagokat és kiemelt láthatóságot biztosítanak műsorfüzeteinkben.


Együttműködés: Van egy innovatív projekt- vagy partnerségi ötlete? Nyitottak vagyunk kreatív együttműködésekre, és örömmel fogadjuk megkeresését.


Kérjük, látogasson el weboldalunkra további információkért vagy lépjen kapcsolatba velünk a következő e-mail címen:

Csatlakozzon hozzánk, és járuljon hozzá a zenei kultúra tartós gazdagításához. Együtt teremtjük meg azt a világot, ahol a kultúra virágzik.

Bankszámlaszám: 12600016-19961364-01029182

Adószám: 19354534-1-41

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