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Works of Today  In honor of Péter Eötvös

Saturday 31 August 2024, 4:30 p.m.

FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture

Péter Tornyai: une seule mélodie lointaine - in memoriam Péter Eötvös - CentriFUGA world premiere

Noémi Győri – flute (Hungary)

Péter Eötvös: A Call

Miranda Liu – violin (USA/Hungary)


Gergely Vajda: in memoriam E. P. - CentriFUGA world premiere

Noémi Győri – flute (Hungary)​

Csaba Pálfi – clarinet (Hungary)

Péter Eötvös: Cadenza

Noémi Győri – flute (Hungary)

Bálint Horváth: from heat, from light... - Organum in memoriam Péter Eötvös - CentriFUGA world premiere

Noémi Győri – flute (Hungary)​

Csaba Pálfi – clarinet (Hungary)

Péter Eötvös: Derwischtanz

Csaba Pálfi – clarinet (Hungary)

Csanád Kedves: Geseent Solitude - in memoriam Péter Eötvös - CentriFUGA world premiere

Noémi Győri – flute (Hungary)​

Csaba Pálfi – clarinet (Hungary)

Bartosz Koziak  – cello (Poland)

Witold Lutoslawski: String Quartet

V4 String Quartet

Miranda Liu – violin (USA/Hungary)
Daniel Rumler – violin (Slovakia)

Tomáš Krejbich  – viola (Czech Republic)

Bartosz Koziak  – cello (Poland)

A koncert támogatója a Wacław Felczak Alapítvány



​The V4 String Quartet's performances and master classes form part of the V4 Music Foundation's project titled "Collaboration of V4 Countries: Festival Appearances, Workshops, Master Classes", co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

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